Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Aprendiendo Aleman en 7 días

Estoy usando el método de Ramon Campayo, me parece muy eficaz y apropiado para un aprendiz de cualquier idioma.

He conseguido la tabla para el idioma Alemán, la cual dejo compartida acá.

El resto de información está en el libro aprenda un idioma en 7 días. Más adelante ampliaré la información.



Notes about been Polymath

I was reading this article about Polymath (People who knows a lot of crafts) I wrote these notes.

"The real master has no tools at all, only a limitless capacity to improvise with what is to hand."

"The more fields of knowledge you cover, the greater your resources for improvisation."

"I find this very suggestive. The old Renaissance idea of mastering physical as well as intellectual skills appears to have real grounding in improving our general ability to learn new things. It is having the confidence that one can learn something new that opens the gates to polymathic activity."

"There is often something rather obvious about people with narrow interests — they are bores, and bores always lack a sense of humour. They just don’t see that it’s absurd to devote your life to a tiny area of study and have no other outside interests. I suspect that the converse is true: by being more polymathic, you develop a better sense of proportion and balance — which gives you a better sense of humour. And that can’t be a bad thing."

"One reason many people shy away from polymathic activity is that they think they can’t learn new skills. I believe we all can — and at any age too — but only if we keep learning. ‘Use it or lose it’ is the watchword of brain plasticity."

"An intriguing study funded by the Dana foundation and summarised by Dr Michael Gazzaniga of the University of California, Santa Barbara, suggests that studying the performing arts — dance, music and acting — actually improves one's ability to learn anything else. Collating several studies, the researchers found that performing arts generated much higher levels of motivation than other subjects. "

"These enhanced levels of motivation made students aware of their own ability to focus and concentrate on improvement. Later, even if they gave up the arts, they could apply their new-found talent for concentration to learning anything new."